The Home Straight

…well the first home straight, anyway. I’ve been revising a few hours a week for the past month or so but now it’s a week to go until my first module exam and it’s time to kick it up a gear.

I’m told that the syllabus has changed this year, and that this is the first exam on a computer-based exam system… hmmmm. Multiple choice too. I know multiple choice is generally perceived as being an easy option, but I’ve found it can be a curse. You can’t get any marks for ‘the working’, and certainly with the kind of precise syntax and semantics that pervade IT and Computer Science subjects there’s plenty of scope for misleading and confusing options as answers.

I’m finding the revision exercise quite interesting – there were exercises, subtleties and corner-cases I pretty much missed during the course, probably because it was a frenzy of work to get the coursework and assessments done on time. Yesterday, it was the Element Declarations Consistent and Unique Particle Attribution constraints in W3C XML Schema. Tricky to visualise!

As far as the coursework goes, got most of the marks back now, just waiting on the last three or four. Pretty chuffed with the grades so far, sure shouldn’t do me any harm!

Anyway, booked a few days off work to revise before the exam on the 2nd…

Author: brabster

Software developer in the North of England

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